What is Electoral Bonds,Benefits,Working

Electoral Bonds Means donor buys bonds from specified banks and gives to the political parties, the political party’s drops into election commission about this bonds. Recent budget sessions the electoral bond issue forward to RBI, Election commission and Political parties and seeks information from them. The finance minister said that abolish of accepting Rs 2000/- as funding to political parties from the individuals in the form of cash.

 Benefits From Electoral Bonds

-These will helps in transparency,accoutability among political parties and avoidance of money laundering.

-Easily avoidance of Quid pro quo in political system.

 How its Works Electoral Bonds

-The donor buys electoral bonds from specified banks by the RBI.

-The donor buys with help of cheques or digital payment

-The bond will given to political party designated account.

-The political parties informs about this bonds in their election expenditure.

-Only the tax payed money will only enters into elections.