To know the scholarship details of Ts epass status 2018 for
the state of Telangana. Before checking the Tsepass status you need epass
scholarship apply online then only you see status. After completing the epass
renewal you need check the ts epass scholarship status about the scholarship
amount,RTF amount and examination fees. But in checking the ts epass status you
should remember the Ts epass application number to enter in it to search ts
epass status.
Check Ts Epass Application Number
-Open the epass official website ts epass @, then you see a ts epass homepage.
-Then scroll the page a list of options showing in
rectangular box like Know Your application status,Complaints,Know your Field
Officer, Kalyana Lakshmi, Overseas scholarship for SC,ST,Minority,BC students
and Scholarship Status and Know your application number.
-Then click on the option Know your application number a new
page is opened showing to fill the options in the blank to get epass
scholarship status.
Enter the options in the Know your Application Number
Select the Academic year option
Enter the SSC examination number
Enter year of pass
Enter SSC pass type
Finally enter your Date of Birth
Then Click search,at the bottom you see your Ts epass application
number and save it to see the epass status.