The Indian
National congress was founded in 1885 December by A O Hume, an English civil
servant .He was founded to eliminate the poverty and to unify the India as whole.
Before Indian National Congress(INC)
many number of associations were formed to fought for the political reforms in
India.The main aim in behind
establishing the INC was to unite the nation in irrespective of religion,
region and caste’s. W C Benerjee was the first president for the INC.Many
prominent persons acted as presidents for the INC, Dadabhai naoroji who was
also known as “ Grand Old Man of India” acted three times president for INC
,his popular framework on Drain theory explains the poverty in India and its causes. Babruddin Tayabji was the first Muslim acted as president for INC.
A O Hume founded
the” Safety Valve theory” ,the theory Safety Valve explains the safe outlet to
discontent among educated Indians and somewhat true and some inadequate.