Why Bay of Bengal highly prone to Cyclones than Arabian sea

Cyclones are generated due to imbalance of temperature between land and sea.Cyclones are originating in Bay of Bengal and Arabian seas,but many of the cyclones are originating in Bay of Bengal.

Reasons for Cyclones originating in Bay of Bengal more than Arabian sea 

* The land is surrounded on the three sides of the Bay of Bengal,which takes high pressure from the land to low pressure in seas,whereas the land surrounded on the Arabian sea on one side ,which takes small of conversion takes place.

* Due to high temperatures or cold temperatures the land absorbs the high heat or high cold,these causes high pressure  in the land.

* The water absorbs heat as well as cold in low parameters when compared to land,these causes low pressure  in seas.

* The high pressure formed in the land moves towards the low pressure formed in the water and whirls with high speed causes cyclones.